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List of Articles

Issue No. Author Page Title Attached File
No. 43  Chan Chun-keung  1-48  The formation and evolution of Monograph of Law in the Han & Tang’s Historiographies  File download
No. 43  Chu Chen-hung  49-88  A Research in the Jiu-cheng-gong Affair and Its Influence  File download
No. 43  Wu Li-yu  89-118  Bringing forth the New out of the old: A Study on the Composition of the Funeral Rituals of Tang Dezong and Shunzong  File download
No. 43  Liang-chun Lai  119-172  The Appointment to Specific Mandarinate in Tang Dynasty─ ─ The reinterpretation to the “Miscellaneous Statute, Tiansheng Statutes” in the Thirteenth Tang Ordinance.  File download
No. 43  Yeh Kao-shu  173-230  Manchu Aristocracy and Politics in the Early Ch’ing Dynasty: Case Study of the Hešeri Family  File download
No. 43  Ming-Ju Hsieh  231-272  The Regional Education Associations in Taiwan during The Early Period of Japanese Rule  File download
No. 43  NA  273-284  NA  File download
No. 43  NA  285-290  NA  File download
No. 43  NA  291-300  NA  File download