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Journal paper

Issue No. No. 62 
Title The Causes and Effects of the Anti-Concealment of Harvests Campaign in Guangxi Province 
Author Wang, Li-jian 
Page 97-142 
Abstract   From the end of 1958 to the beginning of 1960, the Chinese Communist government conducted two “anti-concealment of harvests” campaigns in the nation’s rural areas. These campaigns were the result of the collectivization movement then sweeping China; the height of the collectivization movement in 1958 was thus accompanied by an intensification of the anti-concealment campaign. In Guangxi province, the anti-concealment of harvests campaign was the result of three main factors: inflation of grain production figures, the establishment of people’s communes ahead of schedule, and the workings of the grain supply and wage payment system. Because of the confluence of these three factors, authorities in Guangxi vastly overestimated actual grain production figures.

  Suspecting that the villagers were hiding their abundant harvests, the authorities launched an anti-concealment of harvests campaign there. The campaign once launched proved difficult to stop; the result was a tragedy of immense proportions. 
Keyword Guangxi, the Great Leap Forward, People’s Commune, the AntiHidden Grain Production movement, the Great Famine. 
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