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List of Articles

Issue No. Author Page Title Attached File
No. 67  Huang, Sheng-hsiu  1-50  A Critical Examination of the 32 fascicles of the Rulin Zhuan in the National Palace Museum  File download
No. 67  Akiyoshi Yaotani  51-102  Political Reform during the Late Qing Dynasty: On Ye Han, The Society for Children’s Education, and The Children’s Educator  File download
No. 67  Chen, Li-hua  103-152  Experience, Outlook, Identity: The Liudui Hakka People in Central China during the Second Sino-Japanese War  File download
No. 67  Chen, Chien-yuen  153-212  Daniel Defoe’s Proposals on the Reformation of Manners and Their Intellectual Context  File download
No. 67  Chen, Chih-kang  213-222  NA  File download